Nurul Umairah

Nurul Umairah

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Seminar KebolehPasaran Pelajar

hari ni pg seminar kebolehpasaran sangat dengar cemarah..Terutamanya yang ada kaitan dengan motivasi..rasa mcm budak skolah menengah la plak bila di motivasi ni..hehe..ok le..kita nak kongsi sikit ilmu yang kita dapat dari seminart tu..harap sama2 boleh praktik and amalkan... :) gud luck!!

Interpersonal Skill


1. SMILE > be friendly
> be positive
> be cheerful
> be up beat

2. Appreciate Others
> find the positive in people
> use word of encouragement
> praise others
> make people feel welcome not a bother
> say thank you " when people feel appreciate, they give you their best!"
" when someone say something nice...say thank you"

3. Pay Attention
> observe other
> celebrate their joys
> sympathies with their difficulties
> remember their name
> ask their opinion

4. Listen
> don't just hear - listen
> understand meaning not just words
> observe not verbal language
> paraphrase

5. Be a team

6. Mediate
> be the go between
> resolve conflicts
> encourage other to sort out different
> take on a leadership role

7. Communicate
> " it's not what you say, it's HOW you say it.."

8. Laugh
> " laugh at your self first before anyone else can "....elsa maxwell

> don't be afraid to be funny. use ur sense of humor"

9. Practice empathy
> is putting your self in others shoes
> seeing the issue from their perspective
* how? --listen actively_*

10. Stop complaining
> we all have issues and conserns *no one free!!
> vent to your friends and family
" theres is nothing worse than a chronic complainer. spare those arround you
or else you'll get a bad reputation...."

11. Thank You??
" they may forget what you said , but they will never forget how you made
them feel "......

*mdm kaur*